Our Policies and Other Legal Stuff

Security. The Internet sometimes discloses things about you, such as your name, phone number, or e-mail address. Whenever you give out personal information online for example, via message boards or chatrooms your information can be collected and used by others. When you submit information to our site, it is transmitted over the Internet from your PC to a server operated by our Web host. Unfortunately, data transmissions over the Internet are not secure. So if you choose to transmit any information to us over the Internet, you do so at your own risk.

Privacy Policy. The pages of our site that accept personal information tell you how we use the information you submit. Kids, if you are under age 13, do not submit information to this site unless your folks have asked you to do so on their behalf. We do not use your information for commercial purposes, such as marketing. We do not operate our own server. Rather, we use a Web hosting company to host this site, so our Web host will also have access to your information. We will not sell or disclose it to anyone else without your consent. The only exception is if we are required by law to disclose your information. If you change your mind about having disclosed some information, if you want to review or update any of your personal information that we may have retained, or if you need more information, please feel free to contact us.

IP Address. An IP address number is automatically assigned to your computer when you surf the Internet. If you are plugged into a network, your IP address may remain constant even after you turn off your computer. On dialup networks, you may be given a new IP address every time you log on. Web servers automatically identify your computer by its IP address. We collect the IP address for administration purposes, such as counting the visitors to our site and keeping statistics to determine which pages are visited most often. We do not link IP addresses to anything personally identifiable, so you will remain anonymous to us. If we need to, we will use the IP address to ban an unwelcome visitor from our site.

Cookies. Cookies are small data files that some Web browsers or Web sites transfer to a visitor’s computer for record-keeping purposes, such as to save your password or preferences for Web sites. We do not create or leave a cookie when you visit our site.

Copyright and Fair Use. This is not a commercial Web site, and there is no personal profit motive. Materials on this Web site are meant to be informative and may be used for personal and educational purposes only. Any commercial or exploitative use is strictly prohibited. Some of the graphics or other material on this site were found on the Web without copyright notices regarding their use, or an author's name to credit. Others have been helpfully sent to us by e-mail attachment, or referred to us by their URLs. We respect that it is thus possible that graphics or other materials have been downloaded from their creators' Web sites, then placed unacknowledged on subsequent pages, where they came to our attention. It is not our intention to infringe on copyrights or trademarks, or to step on toes. We strongly believe in giving due credit when we know to whom it should be given. If you find your work (images, links, graphics, lyrics, etc.) here, and wish to have it fully or better credited and/or acknowledged, contact us. If you do not wish to have your work on these pages, please contact us and we'll promptly remove your work from our site.

Links. Links to external sites are intended for informational purposes only. Some may be commercial and some may change in character or quality after we establish the link. Linking does not necessarily constitute endorsement by us nor do these sites represent our personal views. Please be aware that these external sites are beyond our control. They may send their cookies to you, collect data or solicit personal information. Links are provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. We are not responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in those external sites, nor for any consequences from the use of the information found there. We try to keep the links at this site up to date, and we welcome your help and feedback if you find that is not the case. We extend our thanks to the creators and writers of the external sites linked from our pages for the generous sharing of their knowledge, time, and creativity.

Your Acceptance. By using our site, you agree to these practices.

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